NC-PAL is a statewide program that provides telephone psychiatry consultation and community referral identification for primary care providers to address behavioral health needs of their pediatric patients. The NC-PAL I/DD team includes pediatricians, psychologists, nurse practitioner, family partners and social workers. NC PAL services include:

NC-PAL Phone line that is available 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday. Providers can access real-time patient specific consultation. A child and adolescent psychiatrist will return a call within 30 minutes. A licensed social worker will assist in accessing community referrals and resources.

Family partners who provide training for practice personnel to support patients and families with system navigation and resource connection.

Education and training: lectures, tip sheets, webinars, REACH evidence-based training in diagnosing and treating children’s mental health conditions.

Practice change: assistance with identification of I/DD patients and strategies to optimize care.

NC-PAL is not an emergency /crisis line.


Phone number: (919) 681-2909

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