Project ECHO Autism is an online learning and guided practice model that is revolutionizing professional health education. The program links clinicians practicing in local communities (“spokes”) with specialist care teams (“hubs”). It is hosted in a teleconsultation format involving a mix of didactic presentations and in-depth case consultations.
Autism affects 1 out of every 36 children in the state of North Carolina. Referrals to specialty clinics often involve travel and long waitlists for families. TEACCH wants to support local primary care providers and local behavioral health providers to improve their knowledge and confidence in providing evidence-based strategies and treatment to individuals with ASD.
For the current training calendar or to learn more about TEACCH's Project ECHO Autism, visit their website at: TEACCH Autism ECHO
Journal article: Mental Health Project ECHO Autism: Increasing access to community mental health services for autistic individuals
Dreiling N.G., Cook M.L., Lamarche E., & Klinger L.G. (2022). Autism. 26(2):434-445. doi: 10.1177/13623613211028000. Epub 2021 Jul 3. PMID: 34218685; PMCID: PMC8814946.